We match you with the right specialist who can develop the most optimal solutions for your project.
Software developers are in high demand, and even for the most seasoned software managers and development leaders, it can be time-consuming and nearly impossible to find the right person for the task or tasks.
Typically, our clients have their own software department and occasionally need special or complementary skills.
Among our consultants and freelance network, we have many skilled platform developers, embedded software developers, software engineers, web developers, cloud developers, mobile developers, firmware developers, and system developers.
If you need other skills, we are also happy to explore possibilities for you.
Platform development
Firmware development
Application, WEB and cloud development
Mobile app development
DevOps – Continous Delivery / Integration
Development of wired and wireless communication protocols and drivers
At mpeople, we offer two paths to the perfect candidate:
We find the right consultant who collaborates with your permanent staff for as long as the need exists.
If you prefer to hire permanently, we recruit the right profiles that fit your company.